Sunday, April 17, 2011

What is your Superpower?

My boys ask me this all the time "If you could pick any superpower, what would you pick?". I always say invisibility or mind control...but I want to change my answer. I want the power to STOP TIME! I feel like I'm losing time. It's going too fast. I can't keep up and I can't breathe. It would be a smaller show of hands to say "who doesn't feel that way". I want the ability to freeze time so I can catch up, enjoy the roses, enjoy my life. I want it to freeze so I can always remember the feeling of a cold bed, the smile on the face of my kids, the laughter of children the love of my family. I want to freeze time so I can breathe!!! Just for a day. My son is reading this and slapping me on the back shouting "breathe, breathe, breathe".....I would fast forward that part. Life is going too fast. Our parents are getting older, our kids are getting older, I need to find a job, every holiday reminds me how much I miss my sister and how I need to cherish the moments I was given and the moments I have left to live. So now I sing gospel hymns in my head and pray for love, patience, strength....and most importantly time!

Thursday, February 3, 2011

Mawwiage, Mawwiage is what bwings us togeder today!

In 5 months my husband and I will be celebrating our 15th wedding anniversary. FIFTEEN YEARS! It is really an accomplishment. I still love him. He drives me insane, I want to beat him to death at least once per day, but I have truly met my match. He can dole out the shit when it needs dolling out, he can make me laugh instantly, he can't fix anything except my broken heart when it needs it, and he's pretty darn good in the sack. This guy is one of a kind. But the reason is this; his parents are wonderful. He grew up with in-tact parents that spent their lives, and still do, celebrating their children. His father is one of the best, if not the best, father I've ever had the pleasure of meeting. I owe them much. Their caring and loving attention to parenting made my husband into the man, husband, father that he is. They did not spoil their children with material possessions; they always knew their mom and dad had their back, unconditionally. This is the parent I am, and I always will strive to be. I am looking forward to going someplace fun on my anniversary with my husband. He wants to go to South Carolina and look at all the historic sites....puke. I'll pass. I'll go to SC but I'm not going to the Cotton Museum....I'll sit poolside or beach side or massage table side..with a drink. He can go alone...and this is why I love him; he will.
What we do in our marriage and who we are in our marriage shapes who/how our children will be. We as parents set examples for our kids on what is and is not acceptable in a relationship; this isn't rocket science. Syntax and grammar are rocket science, I digress. My parents were divorced a combination of 6 times in my childhood and adolescents, but that doesn't mean I can't form lasting relationships. It just means it may take me a little longer :) I want my kids to grow up knowing how important it is to love someone, to trust someone, and to respect someone so that they can form long lasting relationships. Marriage is important and family is important. All we have in this human experience is our family and friends and God. Make it good.